Fermented Milk Products

-25% Fermented Milk Products
Functional foods are foods that give therapeutic benefits to hosts in addition to nutrition. Dairy foods and ingredients in general and fermented milk products in particular are well recognized for their nutritional and therapeutic attributes and as functional foods. The market of functional foods, in particular fermented milk products is expected to triple in next five years world over because fermented milks possess many advantages like easy production, better keeping quality and nutritive value, easier digestibility, pleasing flavour and taste as well as strong therapeutic potentials. The contents of book include: 1. Introduction 2. Manufacture of Fermented Milk Products. 3. Fundamentals of Cheese Processing 4. Production Technology of Cheeses 5. Ice-cream and Desserts 6. Butter and Dairy Spreads 7. Whey, Casein and Caseinates 8. Health Benefits of Probiotic Bacteria 9. Quality Testing of Dairy Products 10. Microbiological Evaluation of Milk Products 11. Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point – HACCP 12. Keeping Quality Assessment for Milk 13. Indian Milk-based Dishes 14. Bibliography & Index This book will prove of great help to students pursing U.G. and P.G. courses in Dairy Science and Technology, Food Science and Technology, Agriculture and Veterinary Science, Home Sciences and Home Economics as well as other basic science courses (Microbiology, Biotechnology, Biochemistry, Food Nutrition) where this subject forms a part of its applied microbiology curricula.
Author H. A. Modi
Binding Hardcover
Edition 1
ISBN 978-81-7910-343-2
Language English
Number Of Pages xiii+226
Publication Year 2011
Publisher Aavishkar Publishers, Distributors, Jaipur

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  • Views: 4783
  • Product Code: 978-81-7910-343-2
  • Availability: In Stock
  • ₹750.00
  • ₹563.00
  • Ex Tax: ₹563.00